Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan

Imran Khan is most Popular Politician of Pakistan now-a-days. Imran Khan was born on 25 november 1952. He was a Legend Cricketer, lead Pakistani Cricket team and won World Cup in 1992. Then, in april 1996, He established Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaf. Now, He was able to get majority in Pakistan's Province KPK. He is such a great leader and pakistani people love him.

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

Great Politician of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan

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