Which Foods That Make You Fat

 Do not you want to lose weight foods when you just need to cut out junk food, the fat and calories that are responsible for some very healthy foods. Are you really feel great because it, too, is to reduce the dose of the food product.

1. Dried Fruits

If you are on a diet to opt for nuts never had water on them and are very common. Nuts five or more times more calories than fresh fruits are full of sugar. 60 calories in a cup of wine, a cup of raisins fills a huge 460 calories, you can take a simple example. Nuts as a snack, never.

2. Coffee


 The antioxidants in coffee are useful for many ailments that have no doubt. A cup of brewed coffee protects brain cells against dementia, but made with whole milk a great cup of regular coffee, about 300 calories and 15 grams of fat in your diet is enough to ruin loaded with. You really fattening black coffee with sugar, coffee without invitation, if you want to keep the positive effects are only 30 calories.

3. Cereal

They can actually make you fat because that really is not a good idea to have a healthy diet, when most people opt for Cereal. At least 3 grams of fiber and 10 grams of sugar calories a part having whole Cereal cereals forget.

4. ketchup

It is low in calories and zero fat, which contains vitamin A, and C but natural tomato ketchup flavors because a good deal further. But some of you with the same high-calorie foods, should be no more than a tablespoon or eaten alone. Flavored ketchup to think before pressing the bottle comes from sugar and salt.

5. Milk

Calcium, protein and vitamins A and D is full, but when you are on a diet of milk is a very bad idea, because nothing could be better for the body than whole milk. A glass of milk at least 150 calories and 8 grams of fat seems to swallow it contains before.

6. Fruit

All fruits, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants that are good for general health of healthy things like that, but some of them figs, like bananas high in calories, which makes them more natural than others while containing raisins, cherries and sugar. The fruits are not fattening, but must always keep fit, although a reasonable amount.

7. Chocolate

Only occurs when you do not overeat. An ounce of dark chocolate more than 155 calories and 9 grams of fat. So since you have less sugar, chocolate contains a high percentage of cocoa to go when you feel like having.

8. Omelet

However, they are packed with protein and vitamins eggs as soon as you can change metabolism-, cheese and meat in frying fat you can add, start your day the best one of the ways we help Widener size. And for a healthy diet, which always provides a natural flavor is not fattening, omelet with vegetables.

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